CfP: Queering Memory: Archives — Arts — Publicities (ALMS Conference, 06/2019, Berlin), DL: 15.01.2019

Magnus-Hirschfeld-Gesellschaft e.V. (Web) Ort: Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin Zeit: 27.-29.06.2019 Einreichfrist: 15.01.2019 What does “queering memory” mean under the political, social and cultural conditions of the present? How can the diversity of queer histories be made visible in these digitized times? ALMS 2019 Berlin will explore the potential for generating publicities for queer … CfP: Queering Memory: Archives — Arts — Publicities (ALMS Conference, 06/2019, Berlin), DL: 15.01.2019 weiterlesen